Ingredients for a Cool Summer Sleep

Welcome back to Liv Avenida Blog! In April we offered a few reminders for things in your apartment to remember to clean as you’re getting to spring cleaning, and we mentioned the importance of keeping your bedroom and bed clean for a good sleep. Today we have more tips related to enhancing your sleep quality as we transition to summer here in Chandler, AZ.

New Sheets

Not only is regular washing vital for your health, but changing them is also important to staying cool in those warmer summer nights. Switch out warmer sheets for cooler ones that help wick away sweat. Bustle has suggestions for the 10 best sheets to keep you cool all night. Look into them for suggestions! Choose lighter colored sheets if your bed is near a window so the rays of the sun don’t heat up your sheets unnecessarily.


Yoga is a great combination of stretches and meditation that can help you relax your mind and body, letting you fall asleep more easily at night. Your body can get stiff and tired from working or being busy with tasks all day, so try this to unwind and relax. Find a yoga routine you like and practice it each night. You’ll see great results. Try out Yoga with Adriene for a great night time sequence.

Solutions to Problems

Sometimes what’s preventing you from a restful night is something that’s going under your radar, or something you’re used to dealing with that you don’t necessarily have to. This could mean writing down your worries before you get to bed so you can physically put them aside, knowing you can address them in the morning. Or it could mean going to a doctor to see if you can prevent problems like insomnia, sleep apnea, or another condition that may be causing unrest. Get a better feel for what you need by keeping a sleep diary or using an app on your phone or smartwatch to track your habits.

What other tips do you have for improving the quality of your sleep in your apartment? Share your ideas and things that have worked for you by leaving a comment below. Thanks for reading! We hope these ideas help.

a woman sleeping in a big comfy bed