Spring Cleaning Week 3: Conquering Laundry


Getting through the mountains of laundry heaping up in your room or your laundry area can be a drag, but you can do it efficiently by focusing your time on your task and using a few hacks to make each load count. Apartments at Liv Avenida have a washer and dryer, so we make it even easier to accomplish this chore on your own time here in Chandler, AZ. Try these tips for a better laundry day!


Stick to your time table.

We’ve already stressed in our last few posts the importance of keeping a schedule for when you expect to accomplish chores, and laundry is the prime example of how doing so can really make your day more successful.


Start at the beginning of the day or as soon as you get home and toss a load in, making sure to set an alarm on your phone if you don’t think you’ll be able to hear the timer when it’s finished. Promptly move your items so you can start a new wash and get the cleaning and drying out of the way so you don’t have to stay up late or procrastinate folding.


Treat and sort your items every day.

This is a habit that is important to do, regardless of whether or not you’re doing laundry, because it ensures you stay organized and your living space isn’t cluttered on the days you’re not doing laundry. It’s also important for keeping your items in good shape. Be sure to treat your clothes with stain solutions or odor removers as soon as the stain occurs or as soon as you remove your clothes and shoes. A little bit of baking soda sprinkled into your shoes or a bag in your hamper can do wonders for keeping things fresh!


Load smart.

Your washing machine can take a lot, but it’s easy to find an excuse for putting just one more item into your load. This can lead to overstuffing your load, trapping dirt in your clothes and stopping soap from reaching all items, as well as overworking your machine. So keep your schedule maintained so you don’t have to stuff everything in at once. Sort according to like colors and any similar care instructions.


But on that note, many items (besides towels) can actually be washed on the delicates cycle. This trick can lead to a wash that is gentler on your things and can improve the lifespan of your clothes. Try it out!


What are your best tips for laundry day? Share your ideas by leaving a comment. We hope you have the best laundry day (or days) ever this week!