Theater Etiquette

Last week the Liv Avenida Blog featured four shows coming to the Hale Center Theater in 2017. You know what shows are coming to the Hale, and you’ve got your tickets ready for next year. This week we have a few etiquette tips to ensure that your trip to the theater go as smoothly as possible.


Tip One: Get to the theater on time


There’s nothing more embarrassing than arriving at a show late and not being able to get in. Make sure you arrive a good thirty minutes before the show begins. Arriving on time will ensure that you will make it into the theater in time, get your final bathroom break in, and settle into your seat before the lights lower and the curtain rises.


Tip Two: Turn off your cell phone.


Theater is an immersive experience. The actors need to be able to focus on getting into character, and the audience needs to be able to focus on becoming submerged in the story. A ringing cell phone (or even an audience member sending texts from the front row) is an unwelcome distraction.


Tip Three: Wait for the end


At concerts it may be appropriate to clap after every musical number. During a theater performance, it is usually discouraged. Clapping is usually reserved for the break before intermission and the end of the show. Remember to reserve your applause—no matter how fantastic the musical number or monologue.


Tip Four: Save the snacks for intermission


You should not be bringing your own snacks into the theater. Eating during a performance (unless you’re seeing a show at a dinner theater!) can be extremely distracting. Instead, wait for intermission. The theater will usually serve snacks and drinks for you to enjoy before the show begins again.


Tip Five: No talking, please


This should go without saying. Talking during a performance is always a no. Please save any and all conversation for after the show, when you will be able to discuss the show, characters, and your favorite musical numbers at length.


Do you have any theater pet peeves? Let us know about them in the comments. If you would like to learn more about theater etiquette, you can look here or here. After seeing the show, relax with dinner at your favorite restaurant in Chandler, AZ! Thanks for reading!