Things to Check in Your Home For a Successful 2018

Welcome to Liv Avenida’s first blog post of 2018! We hope you’re ready for a great new year. In our last blog post we talked about how you can get yourself in the right mindset for success. Today we have a few ideas for things you should check in your apartment and other areas of your life here in Chandler, AZ to keep things running smoothly this year.



Financial problems plague many, but they don’t have to trap you forever! Take the new year as a chance to start fresh and responsible. Keep track of every incoming and outgoing dollar with a budget. Use an app like Mint or create a Google spreadsheet. Find a method that works for you so you’ll actually look at it throughout the year.


As you’re budgeting, make it a priority to save money for an emergency fund and a separate savings fund. Simply getting in the habit of saving can make a huge difference, and saving for something separate will help you spend on fun things without feeling guilty about it!


Home & Transportation

On-site management and 24-hour maintenance ensure you’re taken care of here at Liv Avenida, but you need to be aware of your apartment and how things should be running so you can communicate to maintenance employees what isn’t working. So clean your apartment and keep an eye out for broken smoke detectors, leaking pipes, or anything else that’s a problem.


As you’re clearing the clutter, go through your documents and put important ones, like tax documents, in a safe space. Back them up online if you need to as well!


Now is also a great time to check up on your car. Take it to a mechanic or check for things like loose tubes or broken bits yourself. Get an oil change if you need to, wash your car, and be aware of how it normally runs and sounds so you can address any irregularities that arise before they become too big of an issue.



Your health is important, so evaluate your current status. Get a checkup, and while you do, get an overview of your insurance plan and all that comes with it, such as copays or deadlines. Now is also a good time to have anyone you’re living with (including pets!) get a checkup.


Remember your daily health, too. Start a plan for working out and adjust your schedule so exercise can more seamlessly fit into it. Make a method for keeping track of your meals, grocery lists, or other meal prep efforts.


What other things in your life do you check periodically, especially this time of year? Let us know in the comments so we can all benefit. Thanks for reading. Good luck! We hope these ideas help!