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Easy Appetizer Recipies

Summer is a great time to invite some friends overyou can have a movie or game night in The Hub, or relax by the pool. To get you started, weve gathered together some of our favorite delicious (and easy) appetizer recipes. Easy Appetizer RecipiesBacon Cream Cheese Roll-Ups These look far trickier to make than they are. All you need is cream cheese, bacon, and bread. Cut the bread into bacon-width strips and spread the cream cheese on it. Then set the bread on a bacon strip and roll it all up together. Use a toothpick to keep it rolled up. Set a full pan of these in the oven and bake until the bacon is crispy. Theyre amazing! Brown Sugar Kielbasa If you want something even easier to make, this is it. Simply chop up a few packages of your favorite kielbasa, drop it in a slow cooker, and dump a package of brown sugar on top. Let it cook for five hours on low or two-and-a-half on high. Its that easy. You can add onions, peppers, mustardanything you want to add a little more variety. Or just keep it simple and delicious. Mozzarella Cheese Sticks Looking for something without all the meat in it? Weve got you covered. Mozzarella cheese sticks are always popular, and theyre better than ever when theyre homemade! Youll want to prepare three bowlsone with bread crumbs (panko bread crumbs are best!), one with a mix of eggs and a little milk, and one with flour. Get some string cheese sticks (yes, the ones you loved as a kid) and cut them into shorter halves. Now roll them in your bowls in this orderegg, flour, egg, bread crumbs, making sure to get them completely coated. Now you have two options. You can deep fry them (the classic method), or if youre looking for something a little less oily, you can bake them. If you choose to bake, line them up on a cookie sheet and place them all in the freezer for about half an hour to harden the cheese. Then bake them in the oven at 400F for about eight minutes. Cucumber Tomato Bites These are simple and tasty. First, make your favorite cream cheese mixcream cheese, some mayo, a bit of green onion, and some ranch mix is a great option. Cut a cucumber into slices of whatever thickness you prefer. Top each slice with a dollop of your cream cheese mix (you can use a cake icing bag if you want it to look really pretty). On top of that, place half of a cherry tomato, round side down, and garnish it all with a bit of your favorite fresh herb. The end result is both attractive and tasty. Cucumber Avocado Rolls Now, these recipes have all been great, but theyve all had meat or cheese in prominent amounts. How about something simple, delicious, and vegan? Just toss some (peeled) avocados, garlic, and basil into a food processer and grind them up until you have a smooth, creamy mixture. Now, get a potato peeler and peel long, length-wise strips off of a cucumber. Take these strips and spread your avocado mixture along them. Then roll them up and sprinkle a little paprika on top. You dont even need toothpicks to hold them shut, and theyre fantastic! For more detailed instructions (with pictures) check out the recipes at the links weve provided for each one. We hope you enjoy these appetizers and that they help you kick off some great parties here at Liv Avenida! If youve got a great appetizer recipe youd like to share, wed love to try it out! Please leave it in the comments.