Three Ways to Find a New Hobby

Making positive changes in your life like eating healthier and budgeting smarter are great, but as you do them, also remember to make your daily life fun! Whatever your current skill level at budgeting and clean eating, set aside some time in your busy schedule to do something you love or try something new. This week’s Liv Avenida blog post has some tips for finding and cultivating a hobby, so try them in your apartment or as you go about your day in Chandler, AZ, for a truly fulfilling month.


Think about what you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t.

Those things you’ve dreamed of doing can be a great place to start when looking for a new hobby, even if you have previously dismissed them. Let go of your inhibitions for just enough time to get you started, whether that means going to a craft store and buying some knitting needles or getting a calligraphy pen set online. Start with the mindset that you will succeed so you will keep trying!


Consult an expert in your life.

Networking isn’t just for the job field. Make friends with your neighbors, coworkers, and even acquaintances you see every day so you can learn from them and their skills. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, so open the door for you to find a mentor by first becoming friends with them. It can be as simple as asking your neighbor for hands-on tips for baking their famous apple pie. People love appreciation and recognition, so show it! Let yourself learn from others and their tried-and-true wisdom. They can teach you what a book might not be able to, and you get a good relationship out of it!


Consider taking a class.

Classes don’t have to be tedious if you try something you’re interested in on a personal level. Take advantage of the structure, coaching, and learning you can gain from a class, even if it’s once a month. Check out the Groupon site for deals on all types of classes in Chandler, whether it’s a dancing, business training, health and fitness, art, or photography class. You could learn from not only the teacher but any friends you take with you to the class or gain while you’re there.


What tips do you have for finding and getting better at a hobby? What are your favorite hobbies? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading. Have fun!