Tips for Carrying Out a Morning Routine

Last week on Liv Avenida, we learned about the benefits of implementing a consistent morning routine. By establishing a mood for the day, it will help you prioritize your time and be more productive. Having a morning routine will increase levels of self-confidence and contribute to a belief that you truly can achieve your goals. Ultimately, it will reduce stress and fill your life with a greater sense of peace. Read on for a few tips you can start practicing today in your Chandler, AZ apartment to start developing a morning routine that works for you!

Dedicate Enough Time

Does your current morning look a whole lot like setting your alarm for as late as possible the night before, staying in bed quite a bit longer than you should, and then sprinting out the door while still getting dressed and shoving a bite to eat in your mouth? Creating a routine that actually benefits you will require a little more effort than that. For most people, a healthy morning routine will fall somewhere in between 30 and 90 minutes. One way to know that you’re taking enough time is that you sincerely benefit from the time you spend on your routine each morning and that you enjoy it as well. The most basic yet most difficult goal to help you achieve this is not to hit the snooze button!

Move Your Body

Right after waking up, it is so easy to lie in bed and scroll through your phone until you feel alive enough to roll out of bed and start your day. Rather than using that time to look at content you’ll probably see later in the day anyway, spend a minute right after getting up to wake up your muscles and your mind by doing something simple to get your body moving! You might be the type of person who likes to work out first thing in the morning, but if you don’t, there are plenty of other ways you can move your body. If you enjoy yoga, consider doing a pose or two to make your mind and body feel a little more at peace. If your muscles are feeling tight, stretching is a great way to do something good for your body before you proceed to wear it out again over the course of the day. You might even consider taking a short walk. Whatever you decide to do to get moving, it will surely help your body. Remember to tell remind yourself that as you adjust to this new routine!

Fuel Up the Right Way

Isn’t it ironic how we have been constantly told how important breakfast is, yet some of the most sugary foods with the least amount of nutrition in them are marketed as breakfast foods? It’s crucial that we not only eat in the morning, but that what we do eat is nutrient-rich and energy boosting to help us make it until we eat again at midday. Instead of choosing a bowl of sugary cereal that will only give you a few minutes of energy and then make you crash, make sure to incorporate enough protein, whole grains, and fresh fruit into your breakfast fuel up.

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